Relay Addon Board:(Product code: CT-RLY1)


This board contains 8 relays rated at 250V / 5A operation. The board can be plugged into any 8 bit port. The terminal connectors at the end can be used to connect the electrical loads. The relays are driven using the popular ULN2803 IC that consists of darlington array capable of sinking around 500ma current.

The board is shipped with demo software written in PIC-‘C’.

I2C Serial EEPROM Addon Board:(Product code: CT-SE1)

This board is based on the I2C bus. It contains sockets for two Serial EEPROMs that can be used as an external memory to store user data. User can set/select addresses of the chips using jumper settings. Any popular 24LC series from Microchip or 24C series from Atmel can be used on the board. The board ships with a single 24LC08 SEEPROM. One may select from 24LC512, 24LC256, 24LC128 etc.

The board is designed to be cascadable, and similar boards can be further cascaded, and upto 4 such boards (with two EEPROMs each) can be added.

The board is shipped with demo software written in PIC-‘C’.

RTC Addon Board:(Product code: CT-RTC1)


Based on the ds1307 RTC chip. This board uses the I2C protocol and fits in the PORTC connector. The RTC is battery backed and hence retains the time and also keeps the clock running. Upon powerup the software on the kit can read the date/time information from the RTC chip. The board has a connector that can take other I2C boards.

The board is shipped with demo software written in PIC-‘C’.

Graphics LCD board:(Product code: CT-GLCD1)

The graphics LCD board is based on the popular Nokia 3310 based graphics LCD that has a monochrome LCD. The max resolution is 48 x 84 pixels. The LCD is based on the Philips PCD8544 controller. The programming is done using a variation of the SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface).

The board is shipped with demo software written in PIC-‘C’.

PWM based speed controller :(Product code: CT-PWM-mot1)

The board drives a small 6v DC motor using a transistor. This transistor is controlled using the PWM out signal from the PIC controller. The varying pulse width (duty cycle) drives the motor at different rates and hence the RPM is controlled. A feedback from the rotating motor shaft is given back to the controller that is displayed on the LCD.

The board is shipped with demo software written in PIC-‘C’.

Infra-Red based person counter:(Product code: CT-PWM-PC1)

The PWM from the CCP module of the PIC is used to produce a 38Khz signal for the Infra-red LED. This signal is detected by a TSOP pair. When the light is interrupted, the PIC counts it. The direction of interruption either increases or decreases a counter and is displayed on the LCD.

The board is shipped with demo software written in PIC-‘C’.

Audio recording/playback board:(Product code: CT-APR9600)

The board is an addon to the KOL that can be used to record any combination of messages totaling upto 60 seconds of recording of audio. The board contains a condensor mic to pickup the audio. The recording/playback can be controlled by software.

The board is shipped with demo software written in PIC-‘C’.

RF transmitter/receiver :(Product code: CT-RF1)

These RF communication boards are available in the following combinations:

  • Two PIC controller kits.

  • Transmitter on PC and Receiver on kit

  • Receiver on PC and Transmitter on kit.

The boards are based on the Low-Cost SAW-stabilized surface mount OOK RF transmitter/Receiver pair. These work at 433 Mhz and employ an encoder IC on the transmitter and a matching decoder IC on the Receiver.